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Professional Experience

This page details my relevant work experience in the field of folklore.

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Rites of Green

I currently serve as the managing editor for Rites of Green, an online space curated by Humanities Washington and the Washington State Arts Commission where makers, documentarians, artists, writers, musicians, & activists from Washington’s many walks of life can exhibit their work & illuminate their regions.

I work alongside Dr. Langston Collin Wilkins of the Center for Washington Cultural Traditions (Humanities Washington) to curate this journal.

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Northwest Folklife

From January to June 2020, I worked on the programming team for Northwest Folklife. As the Youth & Family Programs intern, my role was mainly to support event programming; specifically, I coordinated performances and organized hands-on activities catered towards youth & families.


In February, we put on Movin' Around the World: Winter at the Seattle Center Armory. Later, when it became apparent that large-scale events placed community safety at risk due to COVID-19, we elected to transform our Movin' Around the World: Spring event into a virtual version. For this event, I was able to utilize my video editing experience in addition to fulfilling my programming duties.


After much discussion, Northwest Folklife decided to adapt our largest event, the Northwest Folklife Festival, from its 49-year tenure as a Memorial Day Weekend event on the Seattle Center grounds to a multifaceted online programming experience. This became From Home to Home: Northwest Folklife Festival.


In three weeks' time, the team reimagined every component of the festival and strove to make it exciting, accessible, and true to its roots - all while streaming live or on-demand. I was specifically responsible for scheduling performers for the Family Fun channel, serving as a point of contact for those artists, editing the videos they sent in, and uploading them to the website. During the festival, I monitored the backend of the Premiere and Roadhouse channel webpages to ensure that videos were posted to artists' pages in a timely manner.

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